What Age Do Bengal Cats Stop Growing?

​Bengal cats are somewhat different from other domestic cats.

What stands out is their overall larger size.

The size of these cats depends on their direct ancestors, so an individual Bengal cat's size is genetically determined.

In any case, these cats may appear larger than they actually are, due to their strong, muscular bodies.

Although they are in fact most times not much larger than the average domestic cat.

The question most prospective owners want answered is what age do Bengal cats stop growing?

There are some useful facts regarding the potential size of these cats and what it may mean for your household.

​1. How big can Bengal cats actually get?

​Most Bengal cats reach their full size between the age of one and two years old.

These adult female and male Bengal cats differ in size, so owners should keep this in mind when choosing their pet.

On average, these cats weigh between 6 and 15 pounds.

Male Bengal cats typically weigh between 10 and 15 pounds.


10 lbs


15 lbs

What is especially interesting is that some male Bengal cats have been reported to weigh between 20 and 22 pounds, but this is a rare occurrence.

Owners should have in mind that these weights indicate a healthy cat, and not a fat one.

A cat is healthy when its weight comes from its muscles and not from excessive fat.

In fact, Bengal cats are genetically not predisposed to become fat or bulky.

2. Growing factors that determine the size of a Bengal cat

​The size of a Bengal cat is a direct result of the size of its ancestors, or the cats that were bred with the Asian leopard cat.

The Asian leopard cat weighs 10 to 15 pounds on average, and it has been bred with several different domestic cats in order to get a Bengal cat.

These domestic cats include the Ocicats which averages at around 13 pounds, Abyssinians and Bombays average at 10 pounds. The Egyptian Mau averages at 12 pounds, and the British Shorthairs average at 15 pounds.

So, depending on the combination of these domestic cats with the Asian leopard cat, a Bengal cat will be bigger or smaller in size.

For example, a Bengal cat descending from the combination with a British Shorthair may be larger in size, while a Bengal cat descending from the combination with a Bombay or Abyssinian may be smaller in size.

​3. Indication that the Bengal cat has reached maturity

​The variations in the cat's expected size may confuse owners on the final stopping point of the cat's growth.

Its personality traits that include a kitten-like meow and lots of energy may indicate a cat which has not reached maturity yet, but this is not the case with Bengal cats.

These cats never grow out of their kitten-like meow and retain high energy levels for most of their lives.

Certain health problems, however, are connected with the age of the cat.

For example, in kittenhood, some Bengal cats can suffer from the flat-chested kitten syndrome, which disappears once they reach maturity.

So, although weight can indicate a cat has stopped growing, other factors may clarify the matter further.

​4. Importance of knowing a Bengal cat's potential size

​Prospective owners should choose their pets depending on the size of their household.

Certain homes may be too small or too big for certain pets, and this applies to Bengal cats as well.

An optimal home size is what is best for the Bengal cat's health and its energy levels.

If a Bengal cat moves into a house which is too small for its potential size, then the cat may start destroying household objects to burn its energy levels.

On the flip side, if a house is too big, this ever curious Bengal cat can get lost or fall from a high place.

So, considerations on the matter of the cat's size and the size of the home are absolutely necessary.

Bengal cats usually reach their expected growth size by the time they are two years old.

Their size may vary and usually depends on the size of their ancestors.

In any case, knowing the expected size of an individual Bengal cat may determine whether this cat is a suitable pet for your home.

About the author 

Erick Dimalanta

I'm just a regular awesome guy that loves everything about Bengal Cats. I have two Bengal sisters that keep my wife and I busy all day. One of our Bengals named Xena eventually went blind at a young age. Which inspired me to create this blog. :-)


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