Cats are generally prone to licking and scratching themselves, but when this behavior becomes prevalent, it's time to consider a possible skin problem.
The most common symptoms of skin problems may include rashes, scabs, inflammation and skin irritation. Some of the symptoms may even include noticeable hair loss, the appearance of patches on the cat's paws and face, as well as the appearance of pus.
But what are the most common skin problems in cats? Cats may suffer various skin disorders, and you should know that they are most likely to suffer one of the following:
1. Flea Allergy Dermatitis
As you may have already guessed, fleas were always going to be the number one issue, one that causes many problems to cats. Interestingly, fleas are usually not the issue themselves, as some cats may be rather indifferent to them, apart from minor skin irritation,

However, some cats may have an unpleasant allergic reaction to them, in the form of Flea Allergy Dermatitis.
This problem is quite common and includes the appearance of little bumps which can be very itchy; they may appear on your pet's thighs, its rear legs, as well as its tail.
These symptoms may last for a few days, and more sensitive cats are likely to experience them after only one flea bite. In order to avoid Flea Allergy Dermatitis, we recommend you take your cat to regular flea controls; vet treatments are always the most successful solution to save your cat from this issue.
In addition to visiting the vet, an excellent solution is to try a reputable method of treating fleas, one which doesn't include chemicals.
2. Problems caused by ear mites
In addition to fleas, there are other external parasites which cause skin problems in your cat, and ear mites are one of them.
Just like fleas, these little parasites can cause your cat discomfort in the form of redness and itching; the difference is that ear mites cause problems in the area around the ears.
One of the possible symptoms also includes brownish, wax-like material that appears within the ears. The problem of ear mites can become quite serious, as it may cause a bacterial infection if left untreated.
In order to treat this issue...
...we recommend that you try ear drops which are specifically designed to kill ear mites.
You can also help your cat by cleaning its ears with a soft cotton ball.
3. Skin problems caused by food allergies
Some skin disorders may not even be caused by something directly connected with the skin; rashes and itching may appear due to an allergy to a certain food.
This problem is connected to a sensitive reaction to the proteins found in some foods; beef, corn, and even milk may be the trigger to the allergic reaction. Allergies to these proteins may cause your cat to feel itchy in the area of the head, back and neck.
In addition, a food allergy may lead to swelling in the area of the eyelids and hair loss. In order to distinguish what food is causing such a reaction, it is important to consider the cat's diet; we advise you try eliminating types of foods from your cat's diet until its condition improves.

Also, you can consult a vet to help with the diagnosis; once the diagnosis has been made, your cat can stop eating the problematic food and the skin condition will improve.
4. Ringworms
Ringworms can be a rather serious issue, one that is highly contagious; it is important to treat it as soon as you notice the symptoms.
This fungal infection may cause inflammation, patches and noticeable hair loss. In some cases, the only symptoms indicating ringworms may be broken hairs appearing around your cat's ears and face.
If you suspect that your cat has this skin problem, we recommend you contact the vet immediately; medical treatments are necessary with this problem.
It is extremely important to thoroughly clean the house, to prevent other household members from also getting any of these serious skin conditions.